Jiao Kaihe, Norinco Chairman
Norinco, or North China Industries Group Corporation Limited, is one of the biggest weapons manufacturers in the world, rated eigth wealthiest in 2021 with a defence revenue of more than $15 billion. Norinco has supplied the Indonesian Air Force and Navy with rockets, 'air defence' weapons and guns for over two decades.
The company was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Xicheng District, Beijing, China. Norinco is a state-owned company. Jiao Kaihe is the Chairman and Liu Dashan is the President. Norinco also deals in fossil fuels and on May 31 2022 signed a $10 billion partnership with Saudi Arabia to build a new petrochemical complex in China.
Address: No. 12, Guang'anmen South Street, Beijing,
China Post Code: 100053
Tel: (8610) 63529988
Fax: (8610) 63540398
Email: [email protected]
Norinco sells this 'APC' or weaponised vehicle to Indonesia, where it is used by Kostrad's 'Taipur' or Combat Reconnaissance units. Taipur platoons are deployed in West Papua as part of specialised 'Task Forces' such as Nemangkawi and also in their own right. It is not yet established whether this Norinco weapon is present in West Papua.
This rifle is Norinco's version of the Russian Kalashnikov, or AK 101 weapons. Thousands of the AK 2000Ps have been sold to the Indonesian Police or POLRI in the past two decades. The BriMob training manual contains advice about its use and BriMob as well as ordinary police can be seen carrying this gun in West Papua.
POLRI with the AK 2000P gun
BriMob with Norinco AK 2000P guns